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The Marketing Pendulum Is Swinging Back Toward Direct Mail

Posted by The Boingo Graphics Team on Sep 8, 2022 4:31:22 PM


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Topics: Direct Mail, Boingo Graphics, Marketing

Finding the Right Time and Ways to Use Direct Mail Marketing Campaigns

Posted by The Boingo Graphics Team on Aug 16, 2022 3:11:53 PM

Finding the Right Time and Ways to Use Direct-Mail Marketing Campaigns

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Topics: Direct Mail, Boingo Graphics, Marketing

Holidays in the Time of Coronavirus

Posted by The Boingo Graphics Team on Oct 28, 2020 11:39:15 AM

The holiday season is right around the corner!

Many will still gather with family and friends, but during these unprecedented times and state regulated lockdowns, here are some alternatives to help you celebrate safely. Luckily, many of the traditional holiday celebrations can be shifted to a virtual setting or planned carefully to be safe.

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Topics: Boingo Graphics, Marketing

Step up Your Work From Home Game

Posted by The Boingo Graphics Team on Oct 6, 2020 3:20:25 PM

Order Distributed Print Marketing Portals

As we continue to work from home and physically distance ourselves from others, we need to start getting creative with how we communicate. Especially when it comes to maintaining a brand and marketing materials. Online portals allow standardized marketing collateral to be securely posted and easily printed and distributed. This system provides multiple employees from your organization the chance to place orders for business cards, brochures, promotional products, apparel, posters, invitations and other printed products. Better yet, they can do it all from the comfort and safety of their own home. There are many benefits to online portals, including lowering costs, brand management, improved control and waste reduction.

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Topics: Boingo Graphics, Marketing

Improve Margins and Stay Competitive as a Manufacturer

Posted by The Boingo Graphics Team on Mar 3, 2020 2:13:52 PM

The Benefits of Sales Enablement

Imagine your sales rep is meeting with a client and discussing how your product is the ideal solution when the client asks, "But what happens if...?" leaving your sales rep fumbling for an answer. In a perfect world, your sales rep would have an answer. But what would happen if they didn't? It makes your sales rep and your company seem unprofessional and underprepared. And what happens if the competition is prepared? The client switches to another provider and you have just lost their business. All because your sales rep didn't have the answer to one simple question. 

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Topics: Boingo Graphics, Marketing

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