Commercial Printing Tips & Tricks Blog | Boingo Graphics

Your Automated Marketing Stack Is Missing One Key Piece

Written by The Boingo Graphics Team | Nov 22, 2018 12:57:00 PM

In a world of automated procedures, automated marketing is standard. Yet, many businesses are missing out on one key aspect – automated direct mail. Direct mail may bring to mind dated mass mailers that get tossed in the trash without thought, but technology advances have changed the way direct mail marketing interplays with customers. Direct mail is not dead; in fact, 42% of Americans still read catalogs

If you’re not utilizing direct mail via an automated system, you run the risk of missing out on a whole array of customers who respond more often to this marketing method.

Automated mail is not a practice of the past; it’s a strategy of the future.

Create Triggers

In a world of email overload, direct mail is a refreshment when it comes to marketing. You probably already use triggered emails and SMS messages to reach your customers and retain their business. However, with more and more people not opening their emails, these triggers become obsolete.

Fortunately, with new technological advances, you can now trigger direct mail automatically. You can set up a CRM, for example, to automatically follow up with customers who haven’t made purchases or engaged in a specified amount of time or have discount coupons automatically sent to customers who have left unpurchased items in their shopping cart, in order to encourage the completion of a sale.

Market Across Channels

Of course, the emergence of direct mail doesn’t substitute the need for email marketing. Rather, direct mail combined with email creates a multi-channel approach that is widely successful. Research shows customers are more likely to spend 25% more when a business combines direct mail and email marketing. Adding direct mail to your marketing campaign is a powerful tool that enforces your messages. Interspersing direct mail and email through automated marketing gives you the diverse strategy you need for success.


Additionally, research shows reaching a new customer takes up to 18-20 touch points. If you take a multi-channel approach, you can diversify your touch points and access your customers from a multitude of platforms. Maintaining a consistent message across all platforms is important to the success of this strategy. Utilizing direct mail creates one more touchpoint in the mixture.

Customize Everything

Customizing your direct mail goes a long way toward ROI. People like to feel special and personalized direct mail to include their name in full color has a potential response increase of 135%. If you take it a step further and add more advanced database information, the rate of response can increase up to 500%. These statistics prove customers favor engagement that’s personal and specific to them. Too many campaigns lump people into mass groups and lose the personal touch in the process. Direct mail can provide a new method of reaching customers in a customizable way.

Personalize URLs

Along with your direct mail strategy, personalized URLs (PURLs) further customers' unique experiences by creating a landing page that’s specific to them. Using their name and providing information pertaining to their needs through data analysis creates personal engagement. Direct mail that includes PURLs takes the customized process to a whole new level and draws customers back to the online site. From here, you can target them via email marketing, confirming the necessity of a multi-channel approach. Automated direct mail exceeds expectations when you include PURLs.

Reach New Markets

Your automated marketing strategy needs automated mail for another imperative reason – it reaches new markets. You can easily email non-responders and prospective customers through direct mail. Run a report to assemble a list of email non-responders and start marketing to them via a method they’re more likely to open. Mailboxes are less cluttered than inboxes today; fill their mailbox with some catchy and personalized direct mail to generate responses.

Additionally, a start-up needs an initial list of customers to target to establish a base. Email is not as useful here, as it’s often illegal to purchase lists of email addresses in some states. Direct mail, however, is not. Save your business its reputation and use direct mail to build a customer base.

Don’t allow the digital age to fool you into thinking that automated direct mail is a waste of time. It’s proving more effective than ever as consumers tire of overloaded inboxes. Don’t leave a gap in your automated marketing strategy. People retain information better when they read it on paper than on a screen. Physical touch engages the brain on a deeper level. Take advantage of the science behind direct mail to reach a new market or establish one for your business.